I Grabbed A Spoon

(What Ross said when the possibility of him and Rachel first became realized.)

Not yet asleep. I've been searching for jobs on the net. The most interesting one is a private eye position. I can't help but imagine those private eyes from nior films of smoky rooms, seedy neighborhoods, and questionable persons. To be carried away in the romance of it all....

But seriously, I've staked out some good jobs which I will tend to by the end of this weekend. One thing is certain, I am not limiting myself to jobs in teaching. Life is waaaay too short for giving a blind eye to anything. I want to be like Arthur Spooner who's done and seen it all. What an interesting (tv) life he's led. He's always got an interesting story to tell.

Well, I better have a bite to eat, do some marking, clear my head, and sleep just a little.


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