The Great Entertainer

There've been so many happenings over the past month or two but between coming home late and tired; and being lazy, I haven't gotten to writing about it here.

There's 3 days of school left and I am absolutely ready for my break to begin. It's been a good year. My core class was wonderful and so were my 6s. My favourite grade is definitely the 6s. They are cuter, more willing to try new things, and more willing to learn.

Next year, my assignment is ESL, grade 7 Lang/Social Studies, and MYP assistant. It's going to be a lighter load than it was this year and I'm looking forward to it. Next year is our IB evaluation year and so it's going to be a busy year for all of us.

This year, I didn't get involved in any extracurricular activities bc I didn't want to compromise my ability to plan my lessons and units, especially bc this was my evaluation year. I think I'm ready to do it next year. What I had in mind were setting up a spelling Bee competition, debate team, speech competition, story writing competition, and jump rope competition partnered with another teacher. I'm most excited about the spelling Bee competition because that's the one the kids are most eager to participate in.

So for the final 3 days of school, my job as a teacher will end and my new job as The Entertainer will officially begin, entertaining the kids so that they don't turn on each other and avoid a Lord of the Flies situation.


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