Chin Up

As I was driving home today, I wondered about something.  Some people are teeming with confidence whereas others have absolutely none.  For those that do have a lot of confidence, where does that confidence come from?  What is the source?  Are they just born with it?

I've read (in an article that discussed the pros of high-heeled shoes) that woman can get a boost of confidence just by wearing high-heeled shoes.  Their back is straighter and their posture is more solid.

I noticed also some people, men or women, find their source of confidence in a partner; a boyfriend, husband, life partner.  Knowing that they aren't facing the world on their own makes them more confident.

Some get it from their sense of independence.  This would apply to those that just left their nest and are beginning to make their own decisions, rules and flesh out a map for their life.

Those who have had an admirable number of years of education accompanied by degrees would probably find confidence in their own aptitude, accomplishments and their status gained through education.

Men and women who work hard to be physically fit find their source of confidence in their physical appearance.  Knowing that the image they present to the world is a beautiful one gives them that confidence.

Where does my confidence lie?  I'll have to think about that one and get back to you.


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