Cosmic Grace

It’s just come to my realization something a little of interest. I’ve always liked names that begin with the letter J. I always said that if I have baby boys, they’re all going to be named names that I’ve already plotted out: Joseph, Jordan, Jacob, Jeremiah, John. Now I noticed that my favourite song artists have names that begin with J: John Mayor, Norah Jones, Frankie Lymon Jr. My favourite kind of songs is jazz. I’m also kinda sorta have an interest in a guy named Justin whose birthday is in July and 5 days away from mine. Recently I’ve been on the hunt for the movie “Jumangi”. I live on a street with a name beginning with J...

I guess we can all find connections somewhere if we look hard enough but I thought this was a few too many connections. I think the stars may be all lined up in the heavens and a divine scheme is being laid out; else it is a big sign to something? Or maybe Grace is finally losing her marbles.

I had a fun time shopping with the K-man yesterday. Just breathing in the fresh cool air was reason enough to have a good day. He bought two swanky shirts on account of my fabulous fashion guidance. I myself didn't buy any clothes however; I was feeling slightly horrible that day. I had tried to fax out my resume to 4 Durham schools and none of them went through. So I have to email them tomorrow, I suppose.

J didn't call today. I'm very very tempted to over-analyze this but I'll defer it to a later date. It's too soon to tell anything right now anyway. We haven't actually went out together yet. We've just been talking on the phone everyday for the past couple of days. We'll see how it goes but I have an irritating feeling that he won't be taking any risks with me. He won't put himself on the line and make himself vulnerable in part because he's kinda shy and also, (I'm not proud of this) I brushed him off a couple of years ago when he was interested in me. I disgust myself. Won't it be a kick if he brushes me off this time around?

Well, it was a different time and a different place. I shouldn't dwell on bygones.

I'm almost caught up with my reflections for class. I just have to type them out. Then I have to concentrate on the 30% report due a week from today on ADHD students. I hope I get another A!

I gave a call to the TDSB today and asked about this elusive employee number that I'm supposed to have but turns out that because I'm on the ETH list, I'm meant to apply to contract/permanent positions first which come out in June. For this, I don't need an employee number. The intention is to fill all the contract positions first before September and then fill the occasional positions second. In the event that ETH candidates don't find contract positions, then they are placed on the occasional list, in which case, further documents will be mailed out to them instructing them on how to proceed to apply to occasional listings or to do supply work. This is when they'll need their employee number.

I feel better now.

I haven't decided about taking another AQ course for this summer. I wanted to take ESL part 1. I think I may go ahead with it as soon as I finish this current class. I can't wait to see this AQ updated on my certificate.


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