
I had a feeling this wasn't temporary. I'm officially depressed. I've been feeling horrible all day at work and by 7 pm I was numb. When I got home I started to cry just before getting in the shower.

I hate facing the reality that another year has gone by and all I have is emptiness. This has nothing to do with my friend's engagement. I'm not desperate to get married or anything like that. I'm sad about other things. I'm sad that I didn't continue my piano lessons. I'm sad that I couldn't/didn't keep in touch with so many people in my life that have slipped away. I'm sad that school consumed so much of my time and made it impossible to actually enjoy life. I'm sad that I didn't take those opportunities. I'm sad that I didn't stand up when it mattered. This is really difficult for me.

I'm just so damn sensitive. Why does everything have to hurt?


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1 Response to "Broken"

  1. Karim Kassam , on 19 June 2007 at 09:40 said:

    You've read through some of my blogs. I'm pretty sure I can say I know something of what you're feeling right now. I'm not going to give you any clichéd advice, like "life will get better". I just know what it feels like to be this... lonely. I guess all I can tell you is from Khalil Gibran:

    For one day I shall know the hidden purpose in all things, and I shall bless the darkness as I bless the light.