Sitting on the Fence
Dj says we have a lot in common and hopes our relationship will grow. I wish I could speak French so I can understand the depth of his feelings and what he truly wants to say to me. Right now, he's very limited in his ability to express himself in English. He repeats himself a lot because he doesn't know how to extend what he wants to say.
He plans on coming here to see me when he can work it into his schedule. He's already working on his resume right now he told me. He wrote it in French which means he's probably going to find employment in Quebec. Which means he might start to wall me out because of the distance factor as soon as he realizes he doesn't want to do the long distance thing. Until he can show me that he can totally commit to me, I'm not going to commit to him. I'm going to be casual and date other people as well.
Something hit me last night where my boss had told me something about my fortune. He once had my fortune read a few years ago (2008), and he found that my life is currently seeing difficulty at that time but it will gradually turn around and in a few years, around 2012, I will get married in that year. I was intrigued when he first told me, but I soon forgot about it until now. I wonder if that will be how my life will unfold.
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