Lazy Amazon Butt

There's something refreshing hanging out with my guy friends. They don't read into things like girls do, they approach everything matter-of-factly, they're easy-going, they'll do you favours more often than girls would and won't think twice about a UOME. In a word, they are utilitarian.

I'm backing out of my surgery, I decided yesterday. I called the onsite nurse to make sure that there won't be serious consquences if I wait at least a year but she couldn't tell me much until she consults the surgeon so I have to wait until tomorrow morning to find out. Whatever she says though, I think I better not do it. Those teeth are not bothering me at all so I don't want to tinker with them and go fishing for trouble. J seems to think I should at least get a second opinion. I will, when I go in for consultation for braces.

I noticed that I'm getting a little chubby though the scale says I haven't gained a single pound. I feel less comfortable in my clothes though. I saw this coming. I've been having a few too many chocolate sweets last month. I want to do something about it--go to the gym perhaps but I don't know of any gym facilities in the area and I don't know when I'll even have time for it unless I can go after 9 pm.

My part-time lady wants to start up the classes again on Suny/Sat. She called me last night but I left work too late to call her back.

My laziness has reached a new monumental level. I'm so lazy, I can't even spare 5 minutes to sew a buttom on my shirt. Or 1/2 hour to study from the French books (they're due in a couple of days). Or clip out those news articles. Or wake up just 1/2 hour early to practice piano. I'm SO LAZY! How the hell did I get this bad?

On to other news, some ass from western America msged me on facebook and asked if we happened to meet at a wedding early August here in Toronto. I told him to fuck off. Derek gave me an unvitation to his bday bash yesterday. I told him to fuck off too. I will care less about people I don't know and get to know better those people I do.

I want to watch that movie again Diary of a Mad Black Woman.

Okay, this is a quick run-down of all that I have to do this week:
-mark the remaining papers
-make weekly TDSB call
-clip out all articles
-book appt with eye doc
-cancel surgery
-sew button and pants
-practice piano at least for 30 goddamn minutes
-book dentist appt with Arla or D's Uncle
-draft a cover letter for travel agency and get guy's busn. card w/ email
-draft cover letter for publishing co. and speak to P
-renew library books

And next week:

Shut up.


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