Things Fall Apart

Do they ever with me lately! Like my dictionary, my pencil case, my watch, my pants.

My pencil case was the first thing to go this year. I had it since high school. It was sleek, small yet held all my essentials. Then my dictionary started spitting out pages after pages from the seam. It's an ancient dictionary, I had this coming. It's all I have for now until I buy a new one. My students struggle flipping through it and picking up fallen pages on the floor at the same time. Then the seam of my pants have been coming undone. It's not just one but two pants this has happened to and twice on one pants. I have to keep mending them, I'm so tired of it. It's a perpetual task. The last thing was my watch. It's a funny thing, watches don't last more than 4 or 5 months with me. I don't know what's going on. So I'm back to having no watch and constantly looking at my phone clock or searching for a wall clock somewhere. It's so annoying.

I'm starting my course tomorrow. I have my books and a clean binder to use. I have to get organized tonight. I have so much to do, I think I'm going to make a quick list:

Week of April 23:

1. email HBN on Monday night
2. organize special ed binder and create course calendar on Monday night
3. read chapter 1 and 3 from Weber on Monday night
4. participate in course on Tuesday morning
5. pick up library books on Tuesday morning
6. return watch to store on Wednesday morning
7. pay visa bill by Wednesday night
8. wash hair on Thursday night
9. have all corrections done by Friday night
10. straighten hair on Friday morning
11. buy mother's day present on Friday morning

Doesn't look like much but if you account for the fact that I really only have 1 or 2 hours of spare time everyday, it's a heck of a lot.

The TDSB board called my employer last Monday I think it was for a reference check up. I was a little alarmed at how late this occurred but relieved because it was some tiny indication that there is an incling of a chance that I might be on the list and then back to alarmed because I was afraid that my employer might have been unwilling to give them a rave review of me in an attempt to prevent me from leaving and continue working for him. We'll just have to wait and see.


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