Montreal Meets Toronto
So it was a Law Conference for blacks that he attended with his friends and he stayed at a hotel. He came with 3 of his friends by car.
On Friday, I met him around 6 at the hotel. He was there waiting for me at the lobby with Jean Jacque, the one whose phone he was using to contact me. Then we went up to his suite where I met his roomate, Israel. There Dj and I talked for a bit.
Then, we went out for dinner together with the friends he came with. They are the funniest people I've met. They were fun, always had a story to tell and very kind. One, Jean Jacque was totally uninhibited and I loved the way he spoke with his West African accent (although nothing beats Nigerian accent). Carroll was also out there, very funny and very cute. He could articulate himself very well in English.
After dinner, we went back to his hotel, and I stayed there until half past 12 before I went home.
On Saturday, I saw him again, and this time they had a gala event that evening. I didn't know that it was a gala until I got. I had thought it was a simple dinner but it was a formal black tie event. And what was I wearing? Well it wasn't formal wear. I saw all the ladies wearing dresses and they were so made up. Anyway, the gala was at Eaton Centre and I drove Dj, Israel and the president of the convention, Carrie, to the place. The weather was terrible but we made it (we should've seriously taken a taxi. The treachorous weather, all the parking fees wasn't worth it. Also, we could've all chipped in at the end instead of me having to pay for it all. I was annoyed about that). Once there, I was pissed that as a guest, I had to pay $70 to get in. Whatever. I got a meal out of it. I should have lied and said that I didn't have money when she asked. What could she do, turn me away and say I need to leave? I drove her there after all. I can never think on my toes. Dj wasn't happy that I had to pay. Twice he said that he wanted to pay me back. The second time, he asked for my account info in order to deposit money into it to make up for the gala.
Something I found interesting was all those I met at the conference were all from West Africa -- Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Mali, Camaroon, Sierra Leonne. It was really wonderful. I guess this profession is very appealing to West African people. I think I was the only one from the East. They also all spoke French, except for Carrie.
After the gala we went back to his hotel and I stayed over that night until the next morning (today). I got to know him a lot better after that. He told me what he wants in a woman and about his past girlfriends and why he broke up with them. It gave me a good picture about the type of person he is.
That's the just of it. I'll fill in the gaps tomorrow. But I want to add what I learned from these past two nights:
1. do better on thinking on my toes
2. get other people to drive wherever possible